Labor Massage Techniques & Comfort Measures
What your childbirth education class is missing!
Benefits of labor massage
A. A 2017 publication suggests that creative, active imagery, positive statements (affirmations), prayer and touch are effective during labor (Ricci 2017).
B. A 2012 publication indicates that learning relaxation techniques had correlated benefits: “fewer admissions to the hospital, fewer obstetric complications, longer gestation, reduction of caesarean sections, and fewer postpartum complications” (Fink et al. 2012).
C. In a 2002 study, almost 90% of the group that received bodywork reported that partner massage provided pain relief and psychological support (Chang et al. 2002).
D. A 1980 publication revealed that “the presence and involvement of partners who touch the women during labor have been significantly correlated with less need for drugs, shorter labor, fewer perinatal problems and more optimal maternal interactions” (Sosa 1980).
Topics covered in class
Review benefits of labor massage
Review massage safety tips
Learn about non-invasive pain management techniques
Learn labor positions & how they benefit baby's decent and mother's comfort
Learn massage techniques to use in specific labor positions
Learn what labor positions open the inlet of the pelvis, mid pelvis, and pelvic outlet to optimize the decent of baby and mothers comfort
Learn affirmations & visualizations to use in labor and when to use them
Partner learns how they can actively engage in the birthing process via coaching like skills & hands-on techniques
Improve confidence as a team
Help the mother learn about their body. What positions feel good & what type of touch is relaxing.
Develop body wisdom
Helps the partner discover the mother's comfort preferences
Topics will be covered as needed and tailored to the specific circumstances of each family
$300/1.5-2 hours
Taught in the comfort of one's own home
Holiday rates apply