Prenatal resources
The Business of Being Born
Watch this DOCUMENTARY film that explores the in's and out's of the maternity care system in the USA.
Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy
Connect with your body and prepare it for childbirth with the support of a pelvic floor specialist at Origin.
How to interview an OBGYN
Is your provider the right fit for you?
Discover what questions to ask a doctor before you hire them.
The Birth Hour podcast
Listen to The Birth Hour, a childbirth podcast where parent's can learn from other people's experiences
Childbirth Edu. Class
Learn about childbirth from a top tier Evidence Based Birth educator.
EBB Podcast
Stay informed on the most current evidence on pregnancy and birth by listening to Evidence Based Birth's Podcast.
Postpartum + Breastfeeding
How to Breastfeed!
Stanford University outlines in detail and uses images to explain proper latch and positioning for a pain free breastfeeding experience.
How to Hand Express Breastmilk (video)
Hand expression is a free skill parent's can learn that does not require an electric pump.
It's used to relieve engorgement and can be done while a baby is feeding so that more milk is transferred from breast to a newborn's stomach.
Watch Stanford University's video that teaches families how to hand express breastmilk.
Breast Massage + Hand Expression (Video)
Learn the basics of breast massage and hand expression from Maya Bolman, IBCLC.
Parent handouts (pdf)
The Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine has informative PDFs regarding:
Physiologic infant care
Hypoglycemia in newborns,
Bed-sharing & breastfeeding
Mastitis in breastfeeding.
ABM Mastitis Protocols
1. Feed on Demand + minimize the use of a pump
2. Use Cold Compress to decrease inflammation. Avoid warm compress
3. Ibuprofen (optional) to decrease inflammation
4. Hand Express to avoid engorgement and increase milk transfer
5. Gently Massage Breast (avoid deep pressure)
6. Sunflower Lecithin
7. Probiotics
8. Wear supportive bra to avoid lymphedema
9. Do NOT pick at blebs. Avoids nipple trauma -
Find an IBCLC
Search for an IBCLC that is covered by your insurance via Lactation Network.
Exclusive Breastfeeding
Discover why WHO and UNICEF recommend at least 6 MONTHS of exclusive breastfeeding.
Promotion of Breastfeeding
Learn what promotes successful breastfeeding and what creates barriers to it via The United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF).
Benefits Breastfeeding
Did you know that breastfeeding benefits infant and maternal health?
Learn about the benefits and contraindication's via the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).